Dear Elon,

"I dont't believe in the no-win Scenario"
-Cpt.James T. Kirk


More than twenty years in the making, the idea for the SpaceXploration Academy was born while watching the regular afternoon TV episodes of Star Trek. It sprang to life when SpaceX was born. Still it took almost two decades until the time seemed right for the real thing - Star Fleet Academy. Following in the footsteps of many great men and women we want to do our share to support mankind's dream of becoming a mulitplanetary species.


We want to be one of the building-blocks that help pave the road to the stars.


We are a team of flight crew, training and space-psychology professionals on our way to realise the vision of an education program specifically designed for future space industry staff. Our well connected network provides contacts to all national aeronautical and space authorities in Europe.


We believe that SpaceX will grow into the major professional provider that will require lots of skilled personnel to offer continuing excellent service in the space industry. Our vision is to incite a scientific passion in new generations from a very early age on, starting with special Kindergardens, Elementary and Secondary Schools, College and University as well as Science Summer Camps and Space Crew Training.


As we see SpaceX as our primary partner and since we share your vision of taking humanity to the stars, we want YOU as a partner so we will be able to start the future of space flight today! For SpaceX we want to train and educate the thousands of brilliant minds that will fill your ranks in the future. Together with SpaceX we intend to provide space crews for various international private contractors as well as national agencies all around the globe. Our crews will be highly trained in the shortest possible time, utilizing facilities and investments in the most efficient manner to achieve best possible outcomes. Due to SpaceX the Academy will be able to provide one of a kind opportunities to have crews experience Zero-G before being responsible for a starship themselves. SpaceX puts the possibility of operating Academy facilities on the Moon or even on Mars into reach for future expansion.


We would love to have a tea, Earl Grey, hot, with you to convince you of how we can boost your vision and contribute to the successful future of SpaceX.


Please get in touch with us via Subspace Radio or Holo Mail!


Live long and prosper,

The SpaceXploration Team


P: +49 171 95 05 002     M:


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